Our Rich Heritage
I feel greatly honored and pleased to welcome you all and extend my heartiest gratitude in reposing faith in me to lead this prestigious Inner Wheel District 301 as District Chairman.
Friends, we all are the part of the Organisation which not only render its services to bring smile on the face of the downtrodden people of society by its human services but also gives each one of us to develop and uplift our own personality. Inner Wheel is not an ‘organisation’ but it is a great ‘movement’ which is spread all over the world bringing the feelings of trust, understanding, friendship, fraternity and fellowship among various people. Thus, the world is coming closer and a sense of ‘VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM – The Whole WORLD is my HOME’ is being developed. The world is suffering from varied problems like poverty, illiteracy, starvation, pollution, global warming etc. Though we cannot eradicate these problem but we can do something to minimize them and try to assuage troubles of needy mankind to some extent.
Man is the product of his thoughts’ is truly said. The International Inner Wheel Theme of the year ‘BE A FRIEND’ gives us a lot of inspiration. Our positive thinking and aiming high can definitely bring desirable changes which we want. The aim of Inner Wheel ‘whenever and wherever the need for the services arise’ can only be fulfilled if we have a positive thinking and attitude.
Friends, we are fortunate that we have been blessed with all kinds of amenities and facilities of life by Almighty. It becomes our sincere duty to pay our thanks to Him by doing something for those who are bereft of even the bare necessities of life. A large section of our society is suffering from poverty, diseases, superstitions, illiteracy etc and look towards those who are blessed with all amenities. They are just like heavenly figures for them. Giving out a little from outside is like a drop of water carried away by a sparrow. The heavenly pleasure and satisfaction we get from this act of our kindness and compassion cannot be expressed in words.