Message from Association President –
Sarita Lunani (2012-2013)
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom’ – Marcel Proust
No organization can function without its Members knowing enough details about the organization, its objectives, aims, goals, duties and responsibilities. The District Directory serves this purpose and also acts as a bridge to get Members to know each other well through the information provided.
Our beloved IIW President, Carole Young from New Zeland, has this year given us a wonderful theme. She has asked us to, ‘Be a Friend’. So simple, yet, so meaningful!! She wants to share our joys and our sorrows too. We al need a shoulder to cry on sometimes in life. I only hope that you have enough friends, that you will have a shoulder to cry on, when the time comes. People will forget what you said.. people will forget what you did….but people will never forgive how you make them feel.
I am confident that with your dedication and devotion, with your leadership and enthusiasm, with your ideas and your dreams, we will succeed in navigating our IW ship safely through every storm and reach the shores of success. I urge you my friends to re-dedicate yourself once again. I know, we cannot climb the mountain quickly, we must go slowly, but climb we must. I know it is a difficult task but certainly not impossible. We all know the journey of a thousand miles began with a single step and it is always better to light a candle than to curse darkness. We will go ahead, my friends…..as Winston Churchill has rightly said, “Never, Never, Never, Never Ever Give UP”.